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Project Three: Reflection

When project two was finished I realized I would have to start coming up with the genres I was going to use for project three. The obstacle I ran into was picking genres that I could translate my project two into. Due to the seriousness of my topic for project two it was harder for me to pick genres for me to remix my project two into. After meeting with Mat in his office hours, he helped me come up with my three remixes. A timeline/chain of events, a prezi, and a piktochart. The piktochart was, thankfully, fairly easy to use and did not require a large portion of my time. On the other hand, the timeline/chain of events and the prezi were a little more time-consuming and tedious. Once I figured where to find templates and started on my timeline and my prezi I realized I needed to put these genres where my audience could find them. This was also challenging to me, due to the fact that my audience was not originally what I thought it would be. During project two when my research started spanning out, I realized my audience includes more than just those involved in the sexual assault and law/justice community. My research shows the effect a prosecutor’s decision has on a victim or perpetrator. This information is important to practically everyone, even if most don’t know that it is relevant to them. I realized I could post to my pre-law fraternity’s facebook group in order to publicize my project. This project was hard for me because my topic wasn’t as transferrable to other mediums and social media outlets like other student’s projects were. There really is no obvious place to put my genre remixes because they are online mediums. Despite the vast challenges this class has afforded me, I have prospered and ended with an amazing website and interesting genre remixes. When I started this semester the probability of success seemed bleak, at best, to me. Now looking back on this class is a bit amusing. I freaked out and stressed myself out when in reality I was doing okay and more than capable of succeeding. I’m so proud of all the work I’ve accomplished and how well my second project ended. I couldn’t be happier with the product my hard work has left me with. Thank you so much for continuing to support and motivate me throughout this semester and put up with my constant crying. It has been a pleasure being instructed by you and I can easily say I will cherish the memories and life lessons I learned. (

“Confusion is the beginning of understanding” – Mat Wenzel

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